What is a public hearing?
Public hearings are when the Inquiry considers evidence, examines facts and investigates what happened in order to make findings and recommendations.
Inquiries always have an independent chairperson, often a judge or former judge, appointed by a Government minister. The Chair of the Independent Inquiry relating to Afghanistan is Lord Justice Sir Charles Haddon-Cave.
During the hearings, the Inquiry calls witnesses to give evidence. Witnesses give evidence on oath and are questioned by the Counsel to the Inquiry. Counsel for Core Participants may ask questions in advance, with the Chair’s permission.
Attending hearings in person
A number of hearings will be open to the public to attend. The details of which will be published on the Inquiry website under the Hearings tab.
Watching hearings online
All open hearings will be live streamed on our website and our YouTube channel (opens in new tab) subject to a time delay. All live streams are available to watch later.